EMA Guidelines on Safe Use of LLMs in Regulation

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has issued crucial guidance on the ethical and effective use of large language models (LLMs) in regulatory science and medicines regulation. With AI technology evolving rapidly, LLMs like GPT and ChatGPT offer valuable potential for automating tasks such as text generation, knowledge retrieval, and data analysis. However, they also pose significant challenges, including privacy concerns, data protection, and the risk of biased or incorrect outputs. The EMA’s guiding principles focus on mitigating these risks while maximizing the benefits of LLMs.

LLMs, a subset of artificial intelligence, can be employed for various applications such as drafting reports, summarizing information, automating repetitive tasks, and even providing virtual assistance. While this technology promises to transform many regulatory processes, responsible implementation is key. The EMA highlights the importance of training staff, ensuring data security, and applying proper governance structures to manage LLM use effectively.

Key Considerations for the Safe Use of LLMs

The EMA’s guidance outlines several important aspects to consider when integrating LLMs into regulatory activities. These include understanding the nature of LLMs, prompt engineering, safe data input, and continuous learning. The potential for LLMs to generate inaccurate responses (hallucinations) or handle sensitive data inappropriately means that users must exercise caution, particularly in regulatory settings where accuracy and data protection are paramount.

The EMA also emphasizes the need for collaboration across the regulatory network to share experiences and knowledge about LLM implementation. This collective effort helps agencies stay current with rapidly changing AI technologies and promotes the responsible and secure use of LLMs.

Summary of EMA Guiding Principles for LLMs

Key Area Guidance Summary
Understanding LLM Deployment Ensure that staff are aware of how LLMs are being deployed (open-source or proprietary) and their limitations. This helps in selecting the right model for specific tasks while minimizing risks associated with external hosting or lack of control over inputs.
Prompt Engineering Encourage careful, prompt design to avoid exposing sensitive or personal data. Prompt engineering should minimize bias and ensure accurate outputs, particularly when handling confidential or regulatory data.
Critical Review of Outputs Users must apply critical thinking when reviewing LLM outputs. They must cross-check information for accuracy, fairness, and legal compliance, especially for sensitive tasks that rely on AI-generated data.
Continuous Learning Ongoing education and training on LLMs are essential to maximize efficiency and reduce risks. Regular updates and learning opportunities help regulatory staff stay informed on how to interact with AI safely and effectively.
Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing Sharing experiences with LLMs across regulatory networks is crucial for building a common understanding and addressing challenges collectively. It also aids in shaping effective governance structures for LLM integration in regulatory practices.

Looking Forward: Responsible AI in Clinical Trials

LLMs and AI technologies are not only transforming regulatory science but also reshaping clinical trials. If you are interested in how AI is being integrated into clinical research, we invite you to join our Responsible AI in Clinical Trials Summit on October 8-9, 2024. The summit will feature discussions on the regulatory implications of AI, future trends, and how to manage change effectively in the BioPharma industry. This is a knowledge-sharing community event with no costs for attendees or speakers.

EMA’s guiding principles highlight the importance of a structured approach to using LLMs in regulatory science. These AI-driven tools must be deployed responsibly to safeguard public health and maintain trust in regulatory authorities.

Event Details:
📅 Dates: October 8 & 9, 2024
⏰ Time: 15:00 – 17:30 CEST | 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT
💻 Format: Virtual (2 webinars of 2.5 hours each) – Free to attend!

Register here: Responsible AI Event