Search results for: QbD

Decoding the ICH’s Q9(R1) Quality Risk Management Guideline

Explore the impact of ICH's Q9(R1), Quality Risk Management, guideline on RBQM and clinical trials in our latest blog post. Don't miss our free infographic that simplifies this complex guideline. Enhance your risk strategies today!

By |2024-11-25T17:26:20+02:00December 4, 2023|Blog, Free Infographics, Good Clinical Practice, News|Comments Off on Decoding the ICH’s Q9(R1) Quality Risk Management Guideline

Training Implications of the ICH E6(R3) and E8(R1) Guidelines

Be prepared for ICH E6(R3): turn guidelines into real-world action. In this post, we delve into the key updates and training gaps.

A Comparative Review of the ICH E6(R3) and E8(R1) Guidelines

Unpacking the new ICH guidelines, E6(R3) and E8(R1), we illuminate their key elements, identify gaps, and compare the two in terms of their unity, differences, and complementarity.

By |2024-09-11T16:55:48+02:00May 26, 2023|Blog, Good Clinical Practice, News|Comments Off on A Comparative Review of the ICH E6(R3) and E8(R1) Guidelines

IDC MarketScape Mentions Cyntegrity in RBQM Vendor Report

IDC MarketScape has listed Cyntegrity as one of the top 8 RBQM vendors in its "Worldwide Life Science R&D Risk-Based Monitoring Solutions 2022 Vendor Assessment" study.

By |2022-12-07T08:33:46+02:00December 6, 2022|News|Comments Off on IDC MarketScape Mentions Cyntegrity in RBQM Vendor Report

Quality by Design | ICH E8(R1) General Considerations for Clinical Studies

The final version of the ICH E8(R1) guidance discourages the old-school "one size fits all" approach. Instead, risk-based quality management concepts such as QbD and CtQ factors predominate these modern-day considerations which encourage the biopharma industry to go beyond the traditional checklists. We've visualized the final 2021 guidance, "General Considerations for Clinical Studies," for you.

By |2024-11-25T17:39:19+02:00October 17, 2021|Blog, Free Infographics, Good Clinical Practice|Comments Off on Quality by Design | ICH E8(R1) General Considerations for Clinical Studies

7 Most Important QTLs for Clinical Trials

Within the bounds of risk-based quality management, the utilization of predefined Quality Tolerance Limits (QTLs) is a way to control quality and risk in clinical trials. QTLs identify systematic risks to patients and data integrity at the study level. We've listed the 7 most commonly used QTLs that are applicable to most trials.

By |2024-06-14T16:41:11+02:00May 5, 2021|Blog|Comments Off on 7 Most Important QTLs for Clinical Trials

Data Integration – A Valid Concern or a Convenient Excuse?

Conference season has started! Our first stop was the Global RBM Summit 2018 in London. Our CSO Dr Johann Proeve was invited to join the conversation as a speaker on the topic “Pragmatic Centralized Monitoring – How to get there?”. Johann shares his observations with us.

By |2020-09-23T10:10:46+02:00October 11, 2018|Blog|Comments Off on Data Integration – A Valid Concern or a Convenient Excuse?

What is the Cost of Poor Quality in Pharma?

Quality is a business decision. Everyone instinctively knows that poor quality doesn't come cheap, however until now no attempt was made to calculate the real difference between good and poor quality in clinical trials. Most of the issues that impact cost and expenses are lurking just below the tip of the iceberg.

By |2020-09-23T09:07:14+02:00February 20, 2018|Blog, Free Infographics|Comments Off on What is the Cost of Poor Quality in Pharma?
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