RBQM Updates for Clinical Experts

Dec 2014

Cyntegrity – Winner of the Hessen ModellProjekte Funding with the “Process Innovation in Clinical Trial Monitoring” Project

By |2016-11-16T18:35:47+02:00December 9, 2014|News|Comments Off on Cyntegrity – Winner of the Hessen ModellProjekte Funding with the “Process Innovation in Clinical Trial Monitoring” Project

Today we are happy to announce that Cyntegrity together with PPH plus, the Institute of Biostatistics and Mathematical Modeling at the Goethe University, and the Fraunhofer Institute have just launched an innovative 1.5 year project for the evaluation and optimization of Risk-based Monitoring. The aim [...]

Dec 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

By |2016-11-16T18:35:47+02:00December 9, 2014|News|Comments Off on Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dear customers, partners, mentors, dear friends. The year of 2014 is nearing to its end and we want to use the chance to thank you for your support. The year 2014 was for all of us full with challenges, new inventions and happy moments. Today [...]

Dec 2014

Duality of Risk-based Monitoring Definition: EMA vs FDA

By |2024-11-27T16:16:15+02:00December 9, 2014|Free White Papers|Comments Off on Duality of Risk-based Monitoring Definition: EMA vs FDA

In October 2014 at the Risk-based Monitoring conference in Copenhagen the Senior Director QA Operations of Janssen, Jan Van Parijs said: "Industry is historically heavily regulated, so as an industry we are kind of used to the fact that the authorities provide a set [...]

Nov 2014

13th Annual Congress Partnership in Clinical Trials in Barcelona[:de]13th Annual Congress Partnership in Clinical Trials in Barcelona

By |2016-11-16T18:35:47+02:00November 3, 2014|News|Comments Off on 13th Annual Congress Partnership in Clinical Trials in Barcelona[:de]13th Annual Congress Partnership in Clinical Trials in Barcelona

The congress "Partnership in Clinical Trials" (PCT) will unite again the experts from the pharmaceutical industry and promote the future industrial partnerships. Cyntegrity is participating at PCT in the sessions and discussions about risk-based monitoring (RbM) as a research company, the mission and main focus [...]

Nov 2014

Meet Cyntegrity on Pharma Forum in Saarbruecken[:de]Meet Cyntegrity on Pharma Forum in Saarbruecken

By |2016-11-16T18:35:47+02:00November 3, 2014|News|Comments Off on Meet Cyntegrity on Pharma Forum in Saarbruecken[:de]Meet Cyntegrity on Pharma Forum in Saarbruecken

On 20th of November 2014 Cyntegrity presents the solutions for effective risk-based monitoring and clinical data quality on the conference Pharma forum. The Pharma Forum occurs this year in the capital of the German state of Saarland in Saarbruecken on the 20th of November 2014. [...]

Aug 2014

Cyntegrity and PPH plus build a strategic partnership to help customers embrace the RbM technology[:de]Cyntegrity and PPH plus build a strategic partnership to help customers embrace the RbM technology

By |2016-11-16T18:35:47+02:00August 29, 2014|News|Comments Off on Cyntegrity and PPH plus build a strategic partnership to help customers embrace the RbM technology[:de]Cyntegrity and PPH plus build a strategic partnership to help customers embrace the RbM technology

Pharmaceutical companies often face staff and management resistance beyond other difficulties to embrace technological innovation. Processes are established and bonded to the internal and usual practice of staff members. To no surprise, risk-based monitoring is not a different case. Therefore, in order to make the [...]

May 2014

7 Reasons Why Clinical Trials Fail

By |2024-06-14T17:53:42+02:00May 2, 2014|Blog|4 Comments

What feeling do you have, when starting a new clinical trial? Do you hope all past problems will stay in the past and that everything will be better from now on? Does it surprise you that the skill set of project managers seems to be a critical source of error according to industry experts? Then continue reading...

Apr 2014

On Demand Webinar from Our Partners[:de]On Demand Webinar from Our Partners

By |2016-11-16T18:35:48+02:00April 4, 2014|News|0 Comments

Subject enrolment: Creating Effective Enrolment Models Highlights of On-Demand Webinar The topic of clinical trial subject enrollment has been addressed, debated, analyzed and implemented in many forms; nevertheless, study teams still face ongoing challenges with subject enrollment. Although study sites are often blamed for sluggish [...]

Jan 2014

Risk Reduction in Clinical Trials for Pharmaceutical Organizations

By |2016-06-11T12:11:36+02:00January 20, 2014|News|Comments Off on Risk Reduction in Clinical Trials for Pharmaceutical Organizations

The software solution EarlyBird targets data anomalies on the early stages of the clinical trials and increases the data quality. High clinical data quality reduces monitoring costs, secures the FDA/EMA approval with higher resolution of the clinical effect.

Jan 2014

What is Risk-Based Monitoring? Simple Explained.

By |2024-06-14T18:06:42+02:00January 19, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on What is Risk-Based Monitoring? Simple Explained.

Electronic Data capturing is developing already for more than 30 years and penetrating the clinical research more and more. Already more than half of all clinical trials are conducted purely electronically, although the process is not yet complete. Recently did the FDA underlined its [...]

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